6mm No Taboo
6mm No Taboo
WARNING: The third story "Lover's Return" contains Shota and S&M. The fourth story "Night of Dismantlement" contains incest. 1) Half Moon Tsukito is known as the "Angel of Death" due to the misfortune that falls to anyone that associates with him. A yakuza intrusted with the mission to kill a trader, is looking for a one sweet night before the deadly mission. But perhaps the night will become more than just one night. "remember me in night of the half moon" 2) Private Gallery What is fake and what is real - in art and love? 3) Lover's Return Akimi Kenishi was kidnapped as a little boy in a foreign country and became a pedophiles toy in human trafficking business. His parents hired a detective to rescue their son. And the boy falls in love with his hero. 4) Night of Dismantlement Kou was 12 when he was violated by his older brother. But the one who feels the passion is Kou, and he fears that one day, his aniki will leave him. The insecurity lead him to the wrong path. Will his brother make Kou his own? 5) -6mm no Taboo 6) Neji no Kaiten EX Continuation of Neji no Kaiten Hyato is moving into Ryuu's apartment in the excuse of experiencing the real world. What his parents don't know, is that they are actually lovers. But Ryuu is Hyato's first time, but Hyato isn't Ryuu's first time. But why is Ryuu so insistent in wearing condom? Does he plan to have other partners beside him? Polish / Polski: SpoilerHistoria mężczyzn, którzy zakochują się w sobie po spędzonej razem nocy, jednak pewne wydarzenia sprawiają, że muszą się na wiele lat rozstać. Czy ich miłość przetrwa próbę czasu?
Vol. 1 Ch. 6
Jan 07, 2021
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